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Rock Concert: Children and Ben Afp

rock concert: The children are innocents, who don't create the conditions that supposedly motivate the bombers, are helpless to stop them, and cannot do anything about the ultimate outcome, according to Toronto Star. Indeed, it seems children are always victims of terror, from horrible acts of violence, such as this week at a rock concert in Manchester where 22 people, including teenagers and an 8-year-old girl, were killed, to all-out wars in the Middle East, Africa and elsewhere. BEN STANSALL / AFP/GETTY IMAGES By Bob Hepburn Politics Wed., May 24, 2017 For children, suicide bombers are a special hell. Why do the suicide bombers do it Why do they target helpless children Despite having lived in, worked in and visited the Middle East and the Arab world since the early 1990s, I still cannot figure out what these guys think they will accomplish by blowing themselves up, along with dozens of innocent kids. And so I understand intellectually the often-stated reasons for such attacks, which is they are designed specifically to frighten civilians and to wreck havoc on communities. react-empty 166 I've also read many of the hundreds, if not thousands, of books and academic papers written about what motivates suicide bombers, from their hatred of American aggression to lack of self-esteem, ethnic persecution, religious intolerance and more. Article Continued Below Over those years, I witnessed much death, violence, poverty, greed, corruption, hatred, oppression and religious extremism.I've listened to young and old people tell me how every insult and perceived slight affects their personal dignity and the dignity of their family, their ancestors, their tribe, their community and their religion. ( As reported in the news.