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Terror Attack: Canadian Media and Leadership Calendar

terror attack: When not preoccupied with Trump's peregrinations and the terror attack in Manchester, the Canadian media have been paying considerable attention to the Conservatives' choice, according to Rabble. They have been much less interested in the next big event on the New Democrats' leadership calendar a debate, on Sunday, in Sudbury, that will involve all six candidates, including two new ones Jagmeet Singh and Pat Stogran. Please consider supporting his work with a monthly donation Support Karl on Patreon today for as little as 1 per month!Canada's Conservatives will choose a new leader this weekend. As for the party that now forms the Official Opposition in Ottawa, those who might have taken comfort from the departure of one narcissistic, bullying leadership candidate should take a good look at the remaining 13 and what they stand for. Bernier is now considered the front-runner, and while he has a more agreeable personality than the nausea-inducing O'Leary, his proposals are, arguably, more extreme. When the narcissist -- Kevin O'Leary, by name -- dropped out, he threw his support behind former Harper cabinet minister and MP for Quebec's Beauce region, Maxime Bernier. ( As reported in the news.