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Andy Buck: Ex-Wife Andy and Government Policy

andy buck: When he arrived, his sons were just 14 and 17 so they stayed back in the UK with his ex-wife, according to CTV. Andy brought his oldest son Alex over as a dependent when he turned 19 and his other son, Ben, was planning to make the move in January 2015 when he would turn 19 but that didn't happen. Andy Buck came to Canada in 2008 for work and became a Canadian citizen in 2014. In 2014, the federal Conservatives changed the age of dependency for sponsorship from under 22 years of age to under 19. The change goes into effect on October 24th and it is not retroactive so families that applied to sponsor dependents between August 1st, 2014 and October 24th, 2017 will still need to comply with the Conservative government policy. The Liberal government is switching the age of the dependency law back to under 22 but it won't happen in time to help the family. ( As reported in the news.