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Bike-Riding Persona: Labour Party and Outpolling Jeremy

bike-riding persona: Labour had been climbing slowly but then came the bombing, according to Rabble. The Tories surely saw it as an electoral godsend though anyone saying so aloud would be declared despicable and subhuman. Theresa May's Conservative government was outpolling Jeremy Corbyn's hopeless botch of a Labour party by almost two to one even before she ordered the vote, after denying for months she would. Why godsend Because Corbyn seemed hopelessly tarred by his 1960s, peacenik, Birkenstocks, bike-riding persona. Yet it hasn't hurt and may have helped Corbyn, who continues to rise and in some polls is virtually tied. Not someone to take on violence, the way Margaret Thatcher, a May of the past, pasted Argentinians in 1982.I thought it was over after the bombing. ( As reported in the news.