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Bomb Victims: u.s.-Led Campaign and Bomb Attack

drone strikes: Veteran actor Sean Bean is an American civilian contracted to obliterate Pakistanis from an office chair in suburban USA. His recently deceased father, we learn, dropped bombs on Hitler, according to Globe and Mail. The scriptwriter's math is off Bean's middle-aged character is too young to have a father of such vintage. We get that in Drone, a taut Canadian thriller from the Vancouver-born director Jason Bourque. More importantly, we're being pushed this notion that dropping bombs from an airplane is morally superior to drone strikes. That aside, Drone is a simmering, on-target drama involving a visiting Pakistani businessman whose motive and briefcase are both suspicious. We got this in 2014's Good Kill, but there's a good case to be made that it's a poppycock narrative. ( As reported in the news.