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Culture Destination: Dundas Sts and Wasteland Epithets

culture destination: Bernard Weil / Toronto Star By Shawn Micallef Columnist Fri., June 2, 2017 If you've only ever driven through Cooksville and the intersection of Hurontario and Dundas Sts. in Mississauga, you might buy into the lazy suburban wasteland epithets that places like this routinely get from people who don't know better, according to Toronto Star. However, getting out of the car and walking reveals a very urban place, one rich with passageways and layers of retail that, if the landscape was less car-oriented, would be celebrated as a multicultural food and culture destination. The intersection is called The 5 and 10, an old reference to an older Ontario, when the city was mostly rural and a collection of small communities. Big changes are coming to Cooksville though, and its potential as a major GTA hub may yet be realized. react-text 168 Big changes are coming to Cooksville and its potential as a major GTA hub may yet be realized. /react-text Bernard Weil / Toronto Star Sometimes the intersection is called The 5 and 10, an old reference to an older Ontario, when Mississauga was mostly rural and a collection of small communities in what was known as Toronto Township. Traces of the old highways can still be seen on both streets in the form of old houses of various vintages that sit among the newer urban form that has surrounded them. Dundas here was once part of King's Highway 5, and Hurontario was Highway 10, roads that still exist outside the city as largely rural routes. ( As reported in the news.