gift shop: Still under construction are 50,000 square-feet about 4,600 square-meters of new galleries opening in 2019, bringing MoMA's total art-filled space to 175,000 square-feet about 16,000 square-meters on six floors, according to Brandon Sun. The expansion will allow more of the museum's collection of nearly 200,000 works to be displayed. Spread over three floors of the art mecca off Fifth Avenue are 15,000 square-feet about 1,400 square-meters of reconfigured galleries, a new, second gift shop, a redesigned cafe and espresso bar and, facing the sculpture garden, two lounges graced with black marble quarried in France. The project also will provide 25 per cent more space for visitors to relax or have a sit-down meal. The complex fuses original architecture by Philip Goodwin and Edward Stone with Philip Johnson-designed additions in 1951 and 1964 and a new section by Argentine native Cesar Pelli in 1984, topped in 2004 by Yoshio Taniguchi's 425 million expansion and renovation. The museum building, which opened in 1939, now nearly fills an entire city block and showcases works by artists including Pablo Picasso, Henri Matisse, Andy Warhol, Vincent van Gogh and Frida Kahlo, to name just a few from the permanent collection.
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