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Party Members: Varadkar and Gael Today

party members: If my election as leader of Fine Gael today has shown anything, it is that prejudice has no hold on this republic,'' Varadkar said after his victory was announced in Dublin, according to Huffington Post Canada. Ireland's Minister for Social Protection Leo Varadkar launches his campaign bid for Fine Gael party leader in Dublin on May 20. Varadkar defeated rival Simon Coveney in a contest to replace Enda Kenny, who resigned last month. Photo Clodagh Kilcoyne/Reuters Coveney won the votes of a majority of party members, but Varadkar was backed by most lawmakers and local representatives to give him victory under the centre-right party's electoral college system. Kenny will remain in place for a couple more weeks while Varadkar holds talks with other parties and independents propping up the Fine Gael-led government. He is highly likely to become prime minister in Ireland's coalition government, although not immediately. ( As reported in the news.