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Pasha Malla: Star and Fugue

pasha malla: Brian Hughes / Toronto Star Fugue States, by Pasha Malla, Knopf Canada, 368 pages, 32, according to Toronto Star. Knopf Canada Pasha Malla, author of Fugue States. Illustration by Brian Hughes. Lucas Oleniuk / The Toronto Star By Dene Moore Special to the Star Fri., June 2, 2017 Fugue A disturbed state of consciousness in which the one affected seems to perform acts in full awareness but upon recovery cannot recollect the acts performed according to the Merriam Webster dictionary . Alternatively, it can mean a musical composition in which one or two themes are repeated or imitated by successively entering voices and interweaving voice parts. Malla's sophomore novel interweaves the voices of two opposite but equally strange including one who literally suffers a fugue state. In the case of Pasha Malla's Fugue States, it is both. ( As reported in the news.