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Role Model: Laser-Like Focus and Tiger Woods

role model: Suddenly, golf was cool, according to Hamilton Spectator. Today, some of those same people who were among Woods' most loyal fans are watching his downfall with sadness after his recent DUI arrest . They're still playing and watching his sport, but they see a man who appears broken and never really embraced the part of an ethnic and racial role model. Tiger Woods inspired a generation of minority golfers when he burst on to the scene as a charismatic young star who won tournaments with laser-like focus and power. Debert Cook, publisher of the African American Golfer's Digest said the clubhouse talk among her and other black golfers sometimes turns to Woods and his convoluted legacy. He's one of us but he's not one of us. People really have said they are disappointed in his performance, and there's even a lot of push back upon why should we even consider this brother part of our community when he has not really been involved, she said. ( As reported in the news.