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Seahawks: Seattle and Kaepernick

seahawks: It just won't be in Seattle Carroll had high praise for Kaepernick on Friday as the Seahawks wrapped up their first week of OTAs, according to Hamilton Spectator. The former 49ers quarterback was in Seattle last week to meet with the front office but left still unemployed. Pete Carroll saw Colin Kaepernick's rise as a starting quarterback firsthand and the Seattle Seahawks coach still believes Kaepernick is capable of being a starter. While Seattle has seemed the most logical destination from its style of offence to the outspokenness of its locker room Kaepernick won't be signing with the Seahawks at this time. At this time, we didn't do anything with it, but we know where he is and who he is, and we had a chance to understand him much more so, Carrol said. Colin has been a fantastic football player and he's going to continue to be. ( As reported in the news.