u.s .,: Edward Snowden the now famous or to some infamous U.S. National Security Agency NSA agent was the one who first blew the whistle and exposed to us all and the world in general the vast extent and scale of surveillance of political, business and personal telecommunications traffic by the careful monitoring of what is called metadata from communications instruments of any form, according to The Chronicle Herald. Later charged with treason in the U.S., he sought refuge in Moscow. From the alleged Russian hacking of the U.S. presidential election to the new hacking of the French presidential election and even more leaked documents it is becoming more and more clear that the on-line and wireless world is a slippery slope indeed. No doubt the NSA whistleblower is still very useful to the intelligence folks in Moscow and he is not likely to try returning to the U.S. while he still faces a treason charge. It also raises questions about business-related communications. The uproar Snowden caused with his revelations of the sheer size and scope of U.S. NSA surveillance of personal phone, cell and Internet traffic and the outcry of potential invasion of personal privacy shook many capitals around the globe, including Ottawa.
(www.immigrantscanada.com). As
reported in the news.
Tagged under u.s .,, communications instruments topics.