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Women: Food Allergies

women: The piece speculates this is because allergies as a whole are more common in women, but also acknowledges the results could be credited to women reporting their allergies more often, according to Huffington Post Canada. The research also noted peanuts were the exception men were more often allergic to them than women. According to a new study published in The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, women are more likely to have food allergies than men. The study also stated people of Asian backgrounds are more likely to have food allergies compared to their counterparts in other races, and this could be due to differences in food preparation. This inconsistency may be partially attributable to the different preparation of peanuts; in Asian countries peanuts are primarily boiled whereas in Western countries they are roasted, a preparation that increases the allergenicity of the peanut. The higher prevalence documented among Asians was similar to that in previous studies in Western nations, but higher than that reported among Asian nations and Asian-born immigrants, the study said. ( As reported in the news.