Independent topical source of current affairs, opinion and issues, featuring stories making news in Canada from immigrants, newcomers, minorities & ethnic communities' point of view and interests.

Country: Nova Scotian and Foundation

country: It is the privilege of each citizen to become involved in helping refugees, according to The Chronicle Herald. As a proud Nova Scotian who has always lived and worked in a politically stable and prosperous country, it can be extremely difficult to empathize and imagine what it would be like to live in a war torn country, and losing family and friends, like these people fleeing to our homes for security and hope. By accepting these refugees, our province took on the responsibility of creating a foundation for each of these families to grow the two pillars for this foundation are education and employment. Arriving in a country without necessary language skills, or knowledge of customs and traditions are the first obstacles on their venture to establishing new lives and embracing their new home. Monk hired Ahmad Aljwabreh as a journeyman painter and drywaller, in February. Monk Renovations took the initiative to become involved in the changes to make a positive impact on the life of one immigrant and, hopefully, set an example for other companies. ( As reported in the news.