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Appeals Court: Refugees and Motion Wednesday

appeals court: Robart limited that part of the injunction to refugees who have a bona fide relationship with people or entities in the United States, according to Metro News. He also said that refugees who have formal agreements with refugee resettlement agencies were covered under his order. Just before Christmas, U.S. District Judge James Robart in Seattle imposed a nationwide injunction that blocks restrictions on reuniting refugee families and partially lifted a ban on refugees from 11 mostly Muslim countries. The government does not want to include resettlement agencies. That means the highest court indicates it disagrees with the appeals court on that point, the lawyers say. Government lawyers filed a motion Wednesday saying that although the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has interpreted the bona fide relationship to include connections to resettlement agencies, the U.S. Supreme Court has stayed that ruling. ( As reported in the news.