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Citizenship and Number Shot

week: The number shot up to 17,500 applications the week after the new requirements kicked in, according to CBC. There were 12,530 applications submitted the week after that, but data for subsequent weeks is not yet available. Figures from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship provided to CBC News show there was an average of 3,653 applications a week in the six months before changes were brought in Oct. 11. Reducing the physical presence requirement gives more flexibility to applicants to meet the requirements for citizenship and encourages more immigrants to take the path to citizenship, said Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship spokeswoman Nancy Caron. Relaxed citizenship rules kick in Applications decline as citizenship fees rise In recent years, there has been an average of 200,000 citizenship applications submitted each year. This helps individuals who have already begun building lives in Canada achieve citizenship faster. ( As reported in the news.