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Overmountain Men: Kings Mountain and American Loyalists

overmountain men: The Overmountain Men and the back country militiamen from North Carolina's western regions are rightly held in high esteem for their two-week pursuit of and victory over British Maj, according to NOW Magazine. Patrick Ferguson and his army of American loyalists at the Battle of Kings Mountain. Commemorations are held to honor the courage and sacrifice of the men and women who resisted the advance of the British Legion during the summer of 1780. And, this year, new stories emerge about another Ferguson at the battle; moreover, residents of the Catawba River valley from Charlotte to Valdese have their own new reasons for patriotic celebration, too. He was young, possibly just 16 at the time of the Oct. 7, 1780, battle at Kings Mountain. Andrew Ferguson was a patriot militiaman originally from Virginia, a free man of color. ( As reported in the news.