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Emergency Contacts: Tansi Residents

emergency contacts: The phone book, updated annually, is published and distributed as a community service project by the Lake Tansi Exchange Club, according to NOW Magazine. The blue pages, at the front of the book, contain vital information for Tansi residents, including emergency contacts, local medical and service agencies, and contact numbers for all Lake Tansi activities and clubs. Copies are also available at the Lake Tansi POA office. Exchange Club members also maintain the database of Tansi residents for the white pages and solicit ads from local merchants and service providers for the advertising section. Net proceeds from the sale of advertising help fund Cumberland County child abuse prevention programs through the Exchange Club/Holland J. Stephen's Center as well as providing support for other local public service organizations and scholarships for high school graduating seniors, the principal charitable goals of the Lake Tansi Exchange Club. Twenty-five club members devoted their time and energy canvassing Cumberland County and beyond to generate the 158 ads appearing in the 2018 phone book. ( As reported in the news.