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Planet Partnership: Pepsi Co and Plant-Based

planet partnership: Plant-based proteins represent an exciting growth opportunity for us, a new frontier in our efforts to build a more sustainable food system and be a positive force for people and the planet, while meeting consumer demand for an expanded portfolio of more nutritious products, said Ram Krishnan, Pepsi Co Global Chief Commercial Officer, according to NOW Magazine. With the trend showing no clear signs of slowing, the plant-based food market could be worth 74.2 billion by 2027, according to Meticulous Research. So much so that Pepsi Co and Beyond Meat BYND just announced they will form The PLANeT Partnership, a joint venture to develop, produce and market innovative snack and beverage products made from plant-based protein. It's all creating big opportunity for companies like Plant & Co. VEGN VGANF Very Good Food Company Inc. Brands Ltd. ( As reported in the news.