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Paulina: Difficulty Understanding and Criticism

paulina: Though director/co-writer Santiago Mitre's film is an intellectual endeavor, it's also easy to follow and comprehend, according to NOW Magazine. The challenge comes in reconciling with the unpleasant realities, politics, and ideas that the filmmaker shoves before your eyes and forces you to contemplate. That's neither a criticism nor a reflection of a difficulty understanding the movie. Dolores Fonzi stars as the titular Paulina, a radically political young woman determined to rally against the society especially the men that contain her. Then she battles against her students, desperately attempting to teach them of the virtues of democracy and empowering them in her classroom despite the inherent hypocrisy of the assignment. At first, that comes in the form of angering her father Oscar Martinez by dropping out of law school to teach politics to disadvantaged indigenous teens, believing that will be a greater help to the community. ( As reported in the news.