Independent topical source of current affairs, opinion and issues, featuring stories making news in Canada from immigrants, newcomers, minorities & ethnic communities' point of view and interests.

license numbers: At least six people were detained on or near motel property during a two-year period, according to The Chronicle Herald. Motel 6 was aware that the agents used the guest registry information to single out guests based on their national origin in violation of Washington state's anti-discrimination law, the state's lawsuit filed in King County Superior Court alleged. Attorney General Bob Ferguson said motel employees divulged the names, birthdates, driver's license numbers, license plate numbers and room numbers of at least 9,150 guests to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents without a warrant. Ferguson said at least six Motel 6 locations in the state all in the Puget Sound region and corporate-owned provided the information without guests' knowledge or consent. In September, Motel 6 issued a directive to every one of our more than 1,400 locations, making it clear that they are prohibited from voluntarily providing daily guests lists to Immigration and Customs Enforcement ICE the company said in an emailed statement. Washington's Supreme Court makes it clear that guest registry information is private, he said, and Motel 6 violated the law each time it gave out private information. ( As reported in the news.

elections groups: Democrats are trying to balance their commitment to a progressive priority with their desire to avoid a government shutdown and the potential fallout in the 2018 elections, according to Metro News. Groups such as Move On are threatening to champion primary challenges against incumbents who don't fight hard enough for these young immigrants. Democrats' inaction has enraged liberal activists, who have shifted their anger away from the Republicans who run Congress. They're commonly referred to as Dreamers, based on never-passed proposals in Congress called the DREAM Act. The pro-immigration United We Dream is preparing a new wave of camera-friendly protests at the Capitol and outside congressional Democrats' offices nationwide. The liberal organization CREDO is pledging to block campaign cash from unco-operative Democrats. ( As reported in the news.

environment canada: Environment Canada has issued a new extreme cold warning advisory for the city, predicting overnight temperatures of as low as -25 C with wind chill values that could make it feel like -40 C. After nearly two weeks of similar conditions, Tory bowed to public pressure to seek permission to open the Moss Park Armoury, which is owned by the federal government, according to The Chronicle Herald. Tory says the city is asking Ottawa and the provincial government to determine whether the armoury would be suitable as a 24-hour winter respite centre that could remain open until April 15. Goodale says options are being evaluated to find the most effective solution as quickly as possible following a request from Toronto's mayor to open a federal armoury to shelter the homeless. To cope with Thursday's imminent cold snap, however, Tory says Toronto has opted to open two additional short-term warming centres downtown that will be available to residents for the duration of the cold weather warning, which is set to extend into the weekend. Tory said the prolonged spell of cold weather, combined with an influx of refugees over the past two years and a city-wide mental health crisis, has seen demand on the system soar 30 per cent from where it was at this time last year. Tory said the city will also be dispatching additional teams of outreach workers and deploying other staff to help with the expected influx of people tapping into the shelter system, which has come under unusual strain in recent weeks. ( As reported in the news.

half reservists: That represents the first real growth in the number of people in uniform in several years, as increased attrition and recruiting challenges exacerbated by Conservative-era budget cuts steadily thinned the ranks, according to CBC. Yet officials are unlikely to celebrate, as the military is still short about 2,000 regular-force members and 5,300 reservists even before the Trudeau government's promise to grow both forces in the coming years. New figures show that there were about 450 more military personnel at the end of March 2017 than the previous year, with about half being regular-force members and the other half reservists. Special forces commander weighs recommendations on future of Iraq mission Canada promotes recruitment of transgender troops as Donald Trump imposes military ban The Liberals plan to increase the regular force to 70,500 members from its authorized strength of 68,000 and the reserves to 28,500 from 27,000 to defend against growing global instability and emerging threats such as cyber. In real terms, that meant not having enough staff to fly or maintain the air force's Chinook transport helicopters or its Hercules transport planes. Federal auditor general Michael Ferguson flagged the personnel shortage as a real threat to the Forces in November 2016, warning that it put a heavier burden on those in uniform and hurt military operations. ( As reported in the news.

kosovo lawmakers: It called on Kosovo politicians and lawmakers to abandon any thought of repealing or re-negotiating any aspect of the law ... because that calls into question Kosovo's commitment to the rule of law, according to Metro News. In December, a group of Kosovo lawmakers tried to amend the law, seeking to extend its jurisdiction over Serbs, their former adversaries in the 1998-1999 war for independence. A statement Thursday from the nations the United States, Britain, France, Germany and Italy said they were deeply concerned by ongoing efforts to undermine the work of the Specialist Chambers. The court now has jurisdiction only over potential war crimes suspects who were Kosovo citizens. We condemn such a move, the nations said. This move puts the interests of certain individuals above the interests of Kosovo society. ( As reported in the news.

rachael cummings: The camps have poor sanitation and are a breeding ground for diseases like diphtheria, measles and cholera, to which newborn babies are particularly vulnerable, said Rachael Cummings, the agency's health adviser in Cox's Bazar, the nearest city to the camps, according to CTV. This is no place for a child to be born. The babies will probably be born in tents in unsanitary conditions and will be at increased risk of disease and malnutrition, and of dying before age 5, Save the Children warned in its report Friday. More than 650,000 Rohingya have fled what the United Nations and others say is a campaign of ethnic cleansing by the Myanmar military and Buddhist mobs since August last year in Rakhine state in western Myanmar. A Bangladeshi official called the projection of 48,000 babies mind-boggling. UNICEF has said almost 60 per cent are children. ( As reported in the news.

react-text trump: Read the latest news on U.S. President Donald Trump Trump said Thursday that any deal he signs will need to include funding for his border wall, more money for immigration enforcement, an overhaul of the family-based immigration system and an end to the diversity visa lottery, according to Toronto Star. Article Continued Below Trump told the lawmakers that he would love to take care of DACA, but we're only going to do it under these conditions. react-text 155 Trump said Thursday any legislation on the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program he signs will need to include funding for his border wall and an end to the diversity visa lottery. /react-text DOUG MILLS / The New York Times Chain migration is a total disaster which threatens our security and our economy and provides a gateway for terrorism, he said, referring to the current system that allows many immigrants to sponsor their extended family members. Lawmakers have been trying to hammer out a deal on how to extend legal status for hundreds of thousands of young immigrants who were brought to the country illegally as children and had been protected from deportation by the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program DACA . Trump announced he would be ending the program last year, but gave Congress a March deadline to come up with a legislative fix. Trump also said he hoped the overhaul will attract Democratic support. react-empty 165 It would be really nice to do it in a bipartisan way, he told those gathered, which included John Cornyn of Texas, Tom Cotton of Arkansas, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, Chuck Grassley of Iowa, James Lankford of Oklahoma and Thom Tillis of North Carolina.A separate group of Senate Republicans is scheduled to sit down with Trump on Thursday afternoon to discuss the budget and other legislative priorities for the year. Sign up Read more Virginia activists file lawsuit over Trump administration ending DACA program Trump demands border wall funds, immigration changes High school and college DACA recipients march on Capitol Hill Read more about United States, Donald Trump react-empty 175 Do you want to help shapethe Toronto Star's future Join our team of readers who are passionate about journalism and share your views. ( As reported in the news.

side character: Other books are more like mirrors, reflecting a story that is relatable to the reader's own lived experience, according to Toronto Star. Most students read books that are windows, for instance, though there is a push among schools to include diverse voices that are also mirrors. Some stories offer a window into another world or experience, like an outsider looking through a window. As a kid, most of the books I read were window books. We might have shared other characteristics, such as interests or hobbies, but the job of searching for commonality was mine. I never read a book that featured a character even a side character who looked like me. ( As reported in the news.

students centre: It's so cold I can't feel my legs or hair, said Hossan, wearing a scarf around his neck even while he's indoors at UPEI's International Students Centre, according to CBC. In Bangladesh, it is very hot that's why we feel very cold. He arrived on P.E.I. four days ago to study engineering at UPEI right in the middle of minus-double-digit cold snap. Hossan, along with fellow Bangladeshi student Arafat Hossen Akash, got a quick taste of their new reality. Others helped us because we don't have cell phone yet and called a taxi for us to go home. How to prepare for this week's winter storm Last night, we are freezing downtown, Hossan said. ( As reported in the news.

sudan people: In December 2013, President Salva Kiir, a Dinka, fired vice-president Riek Machar, a Nuer, and unleashed his Sudan People's Liberation on Nuer villages, according to CTV. They killed and raped civilians and burned their homes. But fighting soon broke out between rival ethnic groups. South Sudanese refugees queue to receive a lunch of maize mash and beans, at the Imvepi reception centre, where newly arrived refugees are processed before being allocated plots of land in nearby Bidi Bidi refugee settlement, in northern Uganda, on Tuesday, June 6, 2017. Although a peace agreement was made in 2015, it didn't hold. AP Photo/Ben Curtis Those loyal to Machar retaliated, also killing and raping based on ethnicity, according to Human Rights Watch. ( As reported in the news.

transit hub: As a historic building in the heart of the city, there are a lot of quirks that you might not notice everyday when you're rushing through to catch the train, according to NOW Magazine. Rooftop Shooting Range When Union Station opened in 1927, it was accompanied by the launch of Canadian National Recreation Association CNRA handgun club who kept space on the top floor of the east wing. Union Station was designated a national historic site of Canada in 1975 and as Canada's busiest transit hub, the station has been part of Canada's history for more than 90 years. The purpose of the club was to allow Canadian Pacific Railway and Canadian National Railway police to hone their skills with firearms, but it was later opened to the public. Even the Prince of Wales was stunned by the scale and ambition of the building. The range was shut down in 2008 by city council in light of rising gun violence in Toronto.A Royal Whoa With a fa ade that measured 230 metres long and massive exterior columns, Union Station is an impressive by any standard. ( As reported in the news.

xenophobia rains: Even when they make it to safety, a torrent of prejudice and xenophobia rains down on them, dampening their dreams, according to National Observer. My own journey started as an environmental scientist in Canada, attempting to reclaim land destroyed by oilsands mining; but ended as self-described carbon buster, recognizing the greater need to reclaim our atmosphere by not digging up oilsands. As political storms brew, foundations of people's lives are uprooted and tossed into oblivion. Refugee hurricanes related to climate change are occurring world-wide; small ones may have carried Canadians fleeing forest fires at Fort McMurray; ironically from the centre of the oilsands, where I once worked. Tragically, this hurricane blows them on a journey from Afghanistan all the way to Europe; then after years of desperate swirling, deposits them back home where a peaceful life is even less likely than when they first fled. This particular story of a much larger refugee hurricane originates from the composite voices of young Afghan men hurled onto the shores of Greece, where I met them while volunteering in refugee camps in 2016 and 2017. ( As reported in the news.

authorities videos: At least 21 people have been killed in the unrest and hundreds more have been arrested by authorities, according to The Chronicle Herald. Demonstrators' videos corresponded with Associated Press reporting from outside of Iran, though individual activists remain unreachable and the protests for now appear leaderless. But even as state television aired footage shot from helicopters of the support for Iran's clerically overseen government, videos emerged showing the anti-government unrest that has swept major cities has also spread to the countryside in the nation of 80 million people. It was not clear if new protests were held Wednesday or if the videos showed earlier events. While many Iranians denounce the violence that has accompanied some demonstrations, they echo the protesters' frustration over the weak economy and official corruption. The past week's protests have been the largest since the disputed 2009 presidential election, which ended in bloodshed. ( As reported in the news.

couple: All of this was done legally, only to find out, after a few years of red tape and jumping through hoops, that 58 is too old to be considered an acceptable applicant, according to The Chronicle Herald. Someone has to seriously question our laws when the federal government won't allow in the perfect immigrants, yet are willing to reintegrate ISIS fighters back into our country with open arms. Then you have the couple from the U.S. who were refused because they are essentially too old Dec. 23 story . This couple is 100 per cent maintenance free financially secure, medically secure, landowners and wanting to open a business leading to possible employment for others. Rob Hazel, Porters Lake Age bias insulting Thanks to your reporter, Aaron Beswick, for presenting a factual, non-opinionated story of the Smith family's ordeal with Immigration Canada Age derails couple's dream, Dec. 23 . The report kept to the high ground and made no mention of how we seem to welcome legal and illegal refugees with open arms. This cannot help in our efforts to attract good people to Nova Scotia and it really makes a mockery of our online advertising. These people, however, were made to feel very unwelcome by insensitive, inefficient, bungling bureaucrats. ( As reported in the news.

immigrant-started businesses: She expects that number to pass 4,000 when the full 2017 numbers are in, according to CBC. The top three countries of origin were India, the Philippines and China. By late October, 3,845 immigrants had settled here, said Immigration Minister Lena Diab. The more the merrier, as far Nova Scotia is concerned, she told CBC News. Immigrant-started businesses flourishing Immigrants do well in Nova Scotia and they do much better in Nova Scotia than other parts of the country said Diab, who is the daughter of immigrants. Unable to find work, many Syrian refugees reluctantly turn to social assistance Syrian refugees bump N.S. population to record high but will they stay The growing quest to understand the Syrian refugee experience The number of newcomers is down from 2016, when 5,483 immigrants came, including 1,500 Syrian refugees. ( As reported in the news.

happiness charity: When my goal is simply to try something new, I don't worry so much about whether I'm doing it right, according to Rabble. This approach eased my anxiety when I tried skiing or roller-skating, for example. The action can be as small as hearing a new song or noticing a new author, or it can be as challenging as learning a new line dance or exploring a new city or a new part of Calgary . This tiny daily goal helps me stay alert to what I'm doing. Instead of wanting to be terrific right away, I'd achieved my goal just by trying. Trying out is one of the skills that the new Action for Happiness charity teaches. By accident I had found a happiness skill. ( As reported in the news.

lactation: The lactation consultation decided she wanted to help, according to CBC. Langille found a program that helps new refugee moms nurse their babies. Among those refugees, she took particular notice of the new mothers in the groups. She applied and went over for seven days to help. But I went and I did my job because I was there to be a lactation consultant. It was taxing emotionally, she said. ( As reported in the news.

law enforcement: State officials removed a sign Tuesday on the Arizona line and another Monday near the Nevada border, Department of Transportation spokesman Mark Dinger said, according to Metro News. The signs take aim at California's sanctuary state law that kicked in Jan. 1 and provides greater protections for immigrants living in the state illegally. Drivers heading to California saw fake signs decrying a new immigration policy on at least two highways, welcoming them to an official sanctuary state that's home to felons and gang members. It limits co-operation between local law enforcement and U.S. immigration authorities. The measure was widely backed by Democrats. The law bars police from asking people about their immigration status, but jail officials can work with federal authorities in some cases. ( As reported in the news.

lipopolysaccharides lps: An ability to detect sick people would allow people to avoid being close to sick people, and hence minimise the risk of becoming sick if the person is a carrier of contagious disease, study co-author John Axelsson of Stockholm University told AFP. The research team experimented with 16 healthy volunteers, all Caucasian, according to CTV. Each was given a shot of lipopolysaccharides LPS -- molecules taken from bacteria. Such an ability to detect infection early, and from the subtlest of facial clues, has never been demonstrated before, but is presumed to be part of a crucial survival skill called disease avoidance they wrote. The LPS molecules are sterile, meaning that no live bacteria is injected. It is a method commonly used to cause infections in humans and people for experimentation purposes. But they cause a strong immune response and flu-like symptoms that lasts a few hours -- mimicking someone who is acutely sick and fighting off infection. ( As reported in the news.

son barron: All in three hours, according to Toronto Star. And then he went back online later in the day to issue a startling boast that his own nuclear button is bigger than Kim Jong Un's, to announce he would be giving out awards to THE MOST DISHONEST & CORRUPT MEDIA, and to issue a confusing pronouncement on the Middle East. All on Twitter. Article Continued Below Happy 2018! In Washington, it looks a lot like 2017. react-text 173 U.S. President Donald Trump returns with first lady Melania Trump and their son Barron to the White House in Washington on Monday. Trump saved his most alarming tweet for the evening a response to Kim's Sunday taunt about his capacity to begin a nuclear war. Trump made his first Crooked Hillary Twitter post less than 48 hours into the new year on Tuesday, accusing a former Clinton aide of disregarding basic security protocols, and calling his own Justice Department a deep state. /react-text GABRIELLA DEMCZUK / NYT I'm going to take a stab and guess that Fewer Crazy Tweets' was not one of Donald Trump's New Year's resolutions for 2018, tweeted Dan Pfeiffer, former White House communications director to Barack Obama. ( As reported in the news.

middle names: The brothers who only go by their first and middle names have aspired to become dentists to help those who can't afford dental care ever since they were little when their grandfather died from a serious infection after having a tooth extracted by an unqualified dentist using non-sterile equipment, according to Toronto Star. We were looked after by our grandfather and were very close to him. Although the Tibetan family had barely enough to eat, living off the support of international aid groups, they scraped together all they had and borrowed money from relatives to make sure that Khamsum, Kunsang and their two younger sisters could go to school. Because of his death, we both wanted to be dentists to save others, said Khamsum. Article Continued Below Then a new door was opened to them when they got their visas later that year to resettle in Toronto and join their father who had come to Canada earlier and was granted asylum. In 2015, the duo were close to getting their licences in Nepal when they finished their five-and-a-half-year study with scholarships at the University of Kathmandu's dental school, only to find out they were not allowed to take the Nepalese licensing exam because they were stateless in the country. ( As reported in the news.

obama-era program: Details on qualifying for citizenship, including on how many years to wait and other requirements, would have to be addressed, according to Metro News. Asked whether the president would support citizenship, she said, I think he's open to hearing about the different possibilities and what it means but, to my knowledge, there certainly hasn't been any decision from the White House. Congress is considering three options, including citizenship or permanent legal status for people who were temporarily shielded from deportation, Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen said in an interview. In September, Trump said he wouldn't consider citizenship for DACA recipients an Obama-era program that Trump said last year he was ending. The options being considered by Congress include permanent residency, residency for a certain amount of time perhaps three or four years, subject to renewal and citizenship, Nielsen said. He gave Congress until March to deliver a legislative fix. ( As reported in the news.

refugee population: The authors concluded that 92 per cent of the additional crimes recorded could be attributed to the increase in refugee numbers, according to CTV. It noted that the demographic composition of the refugee population is a major factor. The study used figures from the northern state of Lower Saxony to examine the impact of refugee arrivals on crime in 2015 and 2016, a period when the number of violent crimes reported increased by 10.4 per cent. Young males -- whether Germans or migrants -- are generally more likely to commit crimes, but also more likely to become victims of violence. It is true that since 2015 there has been a rise in violent crime that the authors attribute to the arrival of refugees, said Verena Herb, a spokeswoman for the Families Ministry that commissioned the study. The findings add to the ongoing debate in Germany about how to tackle migrant crime, which has been fanned by a number of high-profile incidents . Parties on the right, including German Chancellor Angela Merkel's Union bloc, want a tough response and more deportations, while those on the left say more needs to be done to integrate refugees into German society. ( As reported in the news.

viktor orban: Democracy has been restored in Austria because the Austrians who reject immigration elected a government that also does not want immigration, Orban said, according to Metro News. This will be the case everywhere in Europe and I believe it is only a matter of time. Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, making his first bilateral visit since assuming office in December, and his Hungarian counterpart, Viktor Orban, pointed to Austria, where conservative and nationalist parties formed a coalition government last month. Morawiecki said the immigration issue, which he called a matter of national sovereignty, was getting even hotter in the EU and it seems that it is going in our direction. The EU's immigration policy is not working. The two leaders again rejected EU efforts to resettle refugees among members of the bloc, while emphasizing their contributions to rebuilding efforts in the Middle East aimed at keeping more people at home. ( As reported in the news.

half chinese: My mom is from Hong Kong and my dad is Dutch, according to NOW Magazine. I grew up in Calgary and I've lived all over Canada in the past six years. In fact, they give me the opportunity to talk about a part of my identity that's very important to me. When I was studying in London, Ontario, I felt very whitewashed. When I tell people I'm half Chinese, they sometimes say, Oh, you don't look Chinese. People would assume I was just a tanned white person. ( As reported in the news.

eyes: What does diversity mean to you The eager faces around the table had shined in anticipation and I remember pausing in confusion, according to Toronto Star. Were they looking for a standard answer, or were they waiting for the one visible minority in the room to unveil the meaning of the enigmatic term that has been floating in organizational workspaces since it was chosen to replace affirmative action Irritation took over my mind and I remember sitting up taller in my chair, meeting each pair of eyes as I slowly spoke and said something to the effect of, I'm not sure exactly. As I answered the standard queries posed to me by the panel, the inevitable question made its appearance. Eyes had widened but I couldn't stop. But I am not sure that we still need a term for this. I suppose it means representing everyone from all backgrounds, and putting up pictures on websites and marketing material that reflects the intended audience. ( As reported in the news.