Independent topical source of current affairs, opinion and issues, featuring stories making news in Canada from immigrants, newcomers, minorities & ethnic communities' point of view and interests.

african ambassadors: I've never seen a statement like this by African countries directed at the United States, according to CTV. The African ambassadors issued the statement late Friday following an emergency meeting after Trump used vulgar language to reject an immigration bill, asking why the U.S. would take in more people from Haiti and shithole countries in Africa. Former U.S. ambassador to the UN Samantha Power has shared the statement on Twitter, saying Whoa. Trump has denied using that language but others present say he did. Meanwhile, at least one more African leader spoke up on Saturday. The new statement expresses concern over the Trump administration's apparent increasing denigration of Africa and people of colour. ( As reported in the news.

buddhist villagers: But Rohingya Muslim insurgents said Saturday that the 10 Rohingya, found in a mass grave, were 'innocent civilians.' Simon Lewis/Reuters Rohingya Muslim insurgents said Saturday that 10 Rohingya found in a mass grave in Myanmar's troubled Rakhine state last month were innocent civilians, and not members of their group, according to CBC. Myanmar's military said earlier this week its soldiers had killed 10 captured Muslim terrorists during insurgent attacks at the beginning of September, after Buddhist villagers had forced the captured men into a grave the villagers had dug. Earlier this week, the military said its soldiers had killed 10 captured Muslim 'terrorists' during insurgent attacks in September. It was a rare acknowledgment of wrongdoing by the military in Myanmar, also known as Burma, during its operations in the western state of Rakhine. We hereby declare that these 10 innocent Rohingya civilians found in the said mass grave in Inn Din Village Tract were neither ARSA nor had any association with ARSA the group said in a statement on Twitter. The Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army ARSA whose raids against security posts starting last August sparked sweeping military operations in the Muslim-majority northern part of Rakhine, said it wholeheartedly welcomes the admission of war crimes by the Burmese terrorist army. ( As reported in the news.

african nations: Tariro Hicks, 34, originally from Zimbabwe, came to Newfoundland in May 2010, to work as a nurse for Eastern Health, according to CBC. Upon hearing Trump's reported remarks that he questioned the need for Haitian immigrants as well as wondering why the U.S. would bring in immigrants from African nations, which he reportedly called shithole countries her response was, It's Donald Trump. John's residents, U.S. President Donald Trump's reported comments disparaging immigration from developing nations were upsetting but not necessarily surprising. Trump asks why U.S. would want immigrants from 'shithole countries' That was my first thought. I would be surprised if I heard something nice come out of his mouth. I laugh at stuff like that, because I think people should really know that's Donald Trump, she said. ( As reported in the news.

border security: The agreement between three Republican and three Democratic senators would prevent deportation of hundreds of thousands of so-called Dreamers, who were brought to this country as children and are here illegally, according to Metro News. President Donald Trump and some GOP congressional leaders have said the bipartisan deal is insufficient. The Associated Press on Saturday obtained details of the deal that includes 1.6 billion for structures including a wall for border security. Its proponents led by Sens. Political battle lines intensified following Trump's vulgar description of African nations and derogatory comments about Haiti at a White House meeting last Thursday, and its fate is uncertain.A showdown was expected by Friday, the deadline for Congress approving a spending bill to prevent a government shutdown the following day. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., and Lindsey Graham, R-S.C. say they are continuing to round up supporters in hopes of building momentum for their plan. ( As reported in the news.

countries critics: Trump spent Thursday evening calling friends and outside advisers to judge their reaction, said the confidant, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he wasn't authorized to disclose a private conversation, according to CTV. Trump wasn't apologetic about the inflammatory remarks and denied he was racist, instead, blaming the media for distorting his meaning, the confidant said. Trump said he was only expressing what many people think but won't say about immigrants from economically depressed countries, according to a person who spoke to the president as criticism of his comments ricocheted around the globe. Critics of the president, including some Republicans, on Friday blasted the vulgar comments made in the Oval Office. The comments revived charges that Trump is racist and roiled already tenuous immigration talks that included discussion of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, or DACA. The language used by me at the DACA meeting was tough, but this was not the language used, Trump insisted in early tweets Friday, pushing back on some depictions of the meeting. In a meeting with a group of senators, Trump had questioned why the U.S. would accept more immigrants from Haiti and shithole countries in Africa as he rejected a bipartisan immigration deal, according to one participant and people briefed on the remarkable conversation. ( As reported in the news.

country: And although it's pricey, the country last year was named the happiest on Earth, according to The Chronicle Herald. President Donald Trump says the United States should take in more Norwegians, but is it any wonder that more Americans are going the other way The country of 5.2 million people that seldom makes global headlines awoke Friday to the news that Trump wanted to have more immigrants from Norway, rather than Haiti and countries in Africa that he disparaged with a vulgar term. There's a generous safety net of health care and pensions. The comments came after Trump met Wednesday with Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg in Washington. This says a lot about what Trump thinks it means to be an American. His remarks were seen in Oslo as racially charged and sharply at odds with Norwegian values of inclusivity. ( As reported in the news.

d-ill .,: The agreement between three Republican and three Democratic senators would prevent deportation of hundreds of thousands of so-called Dreamers, who were brought to this country as children and are here illegally, according to CTV. President Donald Trump and some GOP congressional leaders have said the bipartisan deal is insufficient. The Associated Press on Saturday obtained details of the deal that includes 1.6 billion for structures including a wall for border security. Its proponents -- led by Sens. Political battle lines intensified following Trump's vulgar description of African nations and derogatory comments about Haiti at a White House meeting last Thursday, and its fate is uncertain. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., and Lindsey Graham, R-S.C. -- say they are continuing to round up supporters in hopes of building momentum for their plan. ( As reported in the news.

delmas district: In the Delmas district in the north of the capital, Port-au-Prince, Camp Caradeux sprang up as a temporary home for 20,000 displaced people, according to The Chronicle Herald. Promises of new permanent homes have failed to materialize and Haiti's economy remains weak, leaving camp residents with nowhere to go. For many of those left homeless, life hasn't yet returned to normal. As a result, the camp is transforming into a village as people build cinderblock homes and try to create more normal lives. For many, the anniversary of the quake was made more painful by President Donald Trump's reported remarks questioning why the U.S. would accept more people from Haiti and shithole countries in Africa rather than places like Norway. Associated Press photographer Chery Dieu-Nalio visited Caradeux on the approach of the quake anniversary to document the life of its residents, who are selling charcoal, cutting hair and pursuing other jobs so they can slowly accumulate the money to build houses. ( As reported in the news.

donald: And although it's pricey, the country last year was named the happiest on Earth.U.S. President Donald Trump says the United States should take in more Norwegians, but is it any wonder that more Americans are going the other way The country of 5.2 million people that seldom makes global headlines awoke Friday to the news that Trump wanted to have more immigrants from Norway, rather than Haiti and countries in Africa that he disparaged with a vulgar term, according to Toronto Star. Read more African UN ambassadors blast Trump's s---hole' remark as outrageous, racist and xenophobic' Article Continued Below Analysis Daniel Dale Donald Trump tried to show you he's sane and stable. There's a generous safety net of health care and pensions. His week became a running fiasco Analysis Mitch Potter Naturally, Trump won't apologize for his s---holes' slur. His remarks were seen in Oslo as racially charged and sharply at odds with Norwegian values of inclusivity. react-empty 163 This says a lot about what Trump thinks it means to be an American. So America is doing it for him The comments came after Trump met Wednesday with Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg in Washington. ( As reported in the news.

job performance: Your pro-life argument rings hollow if you don't have an issue with this xenophobic bigotry, tweeted pastor Earon James of Relevant Life Church in Pace, Florida, according to Metro News. Trump won 80 per cent of the white evangelical vote in the 2016 election. While some of his evangelical backers expressed support for his leadership, other conservative Christians are calling the president racist and say church leaders had a moral imperative to condemn him. But recent polls show some weakening in that support, with 61 per cent approving of his job performance, compared with 78 per cent last February, according to the Pew Research Center. Many evangelical leaders who defended him in the past would not comment on Trump's remarks to a group of senators. Still, conservative Christians remain as polarized as ever over his leadership. ( As reported in the news.

pedro rocha: A message which translated as see how the chocolates melt in the sun accompanied the video, followed by three emojis of a smiley face, according to Metro News. The same phrase is heard during the video, apparently spoken by Spartak and Russia defender Georgy Dzhikiya. A video posted on the club's Twitter account showed Brazilian players Luiz Adriano, Pedro Rocha and Fernando exercising during a training camp in the United Arab Emirates. Spartak earlier said Dzhikiya would take control of its Twitter feed for the day. We are a friendly family. Spartak later posted a video in which Fernando says At Spartak there is no racism. ( As reported in the news.

placards reading: Some protesters carried placards reading Never Again, according to Toronto Star. Others chanted slogans such as Refugees should stay, drive out the Nazis. Police in the capital said about 20,000 people were attending the march on Saturday. The new governing coalition made up of the conservative Austrian People's Party and the nationalist Freedom Party has taken a hard line against migration. Not anymore Do you want to help shapethe Toronto Star's future Join our team of readers who are passionate about journalism and share your views. Read more Article Continued Below Vienna's New Year's baby' met with hate, then hearts Opinion Shree Paradkhar Massive fascist rally in Poland shows how the far right has perverted the word patriotism'Analysis A year ago, Trump was the hero of Europe's far right. ( As reported in the news.

rights act: Among the landmarks of his activism are the 1955 Montgomery bus boycott, ending segregation in public transportation; leading the 1963 March on Washington, where he delivered his famous I Have a Dream speech; the passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the 1965 Voting Rights Act; and marching with sanitation workers in Memphis, where he declared in his last speech, delivered on the eve of his death, I've been to the mountaintop, according to Rabble. Often overlooked are the increasingly radical policy positions King took in his last years, from speaking out against the Vietnam War to forging a multiracial Poor People's Campaign that sought, as King said, a radical redistribution of economic and political power. Assassinated at the age of 39 on April 4, 1968, his much-too-short life forever changed America. Now, 50 years later, a coalition has formed anew to organize poor people in the United States into what King called a new and unsettling force to fight poverty and forge meaningful change. At the forefront is the Rev. This renewal, called The Poor People's Campaign A National Call for Moral Revival, has an audacious agenda to challenge the evils of systemic racism, poverty, the war economy, ecological devastation and the nation's distorted morality. ( As reported in the news.

sun sea: While Sun Sea's arrival made international news, few details were shared about the refugees' identities because of a court-ordered publication ban, according to Toronto Star. And so in 2013, when Sharon Bala, a Sri Lankan-Canadian writer living in St. Starving and exhausted, the asylum-seekers believed they had found freedom in Canada only to be arrested by armed border guards and the RCMP. A year later, history repeated when a second group of 492 Sri Lankans aboard the ship MV Sun Sea were detained in suspicion of their ties to the Tamil Tigers, a militant organization that had been banned in Canada as a violent terrorist group. John's, began researching for The Boat People her debut novel inspired by the real-world events she was forced to play detective by piecing together snippets of their backgrounds and experiences while imprisoned. I looked for everything I could find, says Bala. The boat was a bit of a black box. ( As reported in the news.

trump: Trump spent Thursday evening making a flurry of calls to friends and outside advisers to judge their reaction to the tempest, said the confidant, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he wasn't authorized to disclose a private conversation, according to The Chronicle Herald. Trump wasn't apologetic about his inflammatory remarks and denied he was racist, instead, blaming the media for distorting his meaning, the confidant said. Trump said he was only expressing what many people think but won't say about immigrants from economically depressed countries, according to a person who spoke to the president as criticism of his comments ricocheted around the globe. However, critics of the president, including some in his own Republican Party, spent Friday blasting the vulgar comments he made behind closed doors. The comments revived charges that the president is racist and roiled immigration talks that were already on tenuous footing. In his meeting with a group of senators, he had questioned why the U.S. would accept more immigrants from Haiti and shithole countries in Africa as he rejected a bipartisan immigration deal, according to one participant and people briefed on the remarkable Oval Office conversation. ( As reported in the news.

war victims: In the background, a distinctively African beat gets mashed up with a bit of hip-hop, according to CBC. The tune is just one of several that appear on two albums written and performed by civilian war victims from Congo and recently released through Warner Music Canada. Those empowering lyrics appear in the song Mon corps n'est pas une arme My Body Is Not a Weapon by a singer named Sandra. The albums Mon corps n'est pas une arme and Keshu ni situ mupya Tomorrow Is a New Day were recorded in Swahili and French, and contain a total of 12 songs. She was raped, became pregnant, lost the child, became HIV positive from the rape and spent time in hospital, said Ataman, who oversaw the recording and is the founder and CEO of the Canadian charity Make Music Matter. It was partly through the work of Winnipeg-based music producer Darcy Ataman that Sandra's composition became a full-fledged song. ( As reported in the news.

border protections: The White House did not deny his remark but issued a statement saying Trump supports immigration policies that welcome those who can contribute to our society, according to Metro News. Trump's comments came as two senators presented details of a bipartisan compromise that would extend protections against deportation for hundreds of thousands of young immigrants and also strengthen border protections, as Trump has insisted. Trump's contemptuous description of an entire continent startled lawmakers in the meeting and immediately revived charges that the president is racist. The lawmakers had hoped Trump would back their accord, an agreement among six senators evenly split among Republicans and Democrats, ending a months-long, bitter dispute over protecting the Dreamers. Dick Durbin of Illinois, the Senate' s No. 2 Democrat, explained that as part of that deal, a lottery for visas that has benefited people from Africa and other nations would be ended, the sources said, though there could be another way for them to apply. But the White House later rejected it, plunging the issue back into uncertainty just eight days before a deadline that threatens a government shutdown. ( As reported in the news.

american immigration: It's literally that easy to go down the name-calling path, but while it is tempting to discuss this latest round of Donald Trump's vulgarism through the lens of his character, it serves us better to see it for what it represents the contemptuous attitudes and biases that inform North American immigration policy-making, according to Toronto Star. No amount of name-calling can match Trump's indignity as he plumbs the depths of classlessness and breadth of ignorance, even as he begins a late backtrack of whether he called Haiti, El Salvador and African countries s---holes on Thursday. Back off. In a meeting with Senators and House members on immigration, the President of the United States is reported saying, Why do we want all these people from s---hole countries' coming here Article Continued Below The U.S. should instead bring more people from countries such as Norway, he said. The leader of the country that kidnapped and forced Black people onto its shores wants them out now that their labour isn't free. Asians he would be open to, since they helped the country economically. ( As reported in the news.

assange asylum: What naturalization does is provide the asylum seeker another layer of protection, Espinosa said, according to CBC. Ecuador gave Assange asylum after he sought refuge in the embassy to avoid extradition to Sweden for investigation of sex-related claims. Foreign Minister Maria Fernanda Espinosa said officials accepted Assange's request for naturalization in December, and they continue to look for a long-term resolution to a situation that has vexed officials since 2012. Sweden dropped the case, but Assange has remained in the embassy because he is still subject to arrest in Britain for jumping bail. Trump Jr. messaged with Wiki Leaks during 2016 campaign Defiant Assange says 'war is just commencing' after Sweden drops rape case The Australian-born Assange posted a photograph of himself wearing a yellow Ecuadorean national soccer team jersey on Instagram Wednesday and his name now appears in the Andean country's national registry. He also fears a possible U.S. extradition request based on his leaking of classified State Department documents. ( As reported in the news.

customs enforcement: The Democratic mayor says the resulting chain of events added an unexpected and challenging dynamic to what otherwise might have been a pro-forma expression of civil disobedience, according to Metro News. But he praised officers' overall handling of protests. Bill de Blasio said Friday on WNYC that the federal government's abrupt and provocative decision to detain a highly respected individual caused the man's supporters to react with real passion. Eighteen people, including two councilmen, were arrested Thursday after Ravi Ragbir was removed in handcuffs during his scheduled check-in. Immigration and Customs Enforcement says Ragbir has exhausted his petitions and appeals. The citizen of Trinidad has been fighting deportation after a fraud conviction. ( As reported in the news.

michael bennet: We are now working to build support for that deal in Congress, according to CBC. Details of the plan were not immediately available. The senators, three Democrats and three Republicans, have reached an agreement in principle that addresses border security, the diversity visa lottery, chain migration/family reunification and the Dream Act, they wrote in a statement. The significance of their agreement was initially unclear. Trump meets with key lawmakers to discuss U.S. immigration reform Trump suggests 2-phase immigration deal for 'Dreamers' The six senators are Democrats Dick Durbin, Michael Bennet and Robert Menendez, and Republicans Lindsey Graham, Jeff Flake and Cory Gardner. White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders said earlier Thursday no deal has been reached and said the White House would keep working toward an agreement. ( As reported in the news.

news reports: Deciding what to do with the remarks and whether to censor them in news reports was tough enough for the press in the United States, according to Toronto Star. It was, after all, a vulgar phrase not usually fit for a newspaper or television. Trump vaguely hinted at a denial early Friday. But imagine trying to make sense of it in a different language. That head-scratching dilemma played out in newsrooms around the world Thursday after the Washington Post first reported that Trump referred to Haiti, El Salvador and African nations as shithole countries while discussing immigrant protections with lawmakers. Every culture has its profanities, to be sure, but they do not always translate well. ( As reported in the news.

planning committee: Roughly 20 people came to the rally in front of the borough hall during a meeting of the urban planning committee to voice their displeasure with the project, which would be located across from the Parc Metro station, according to CTV. The development has not yet been approved by borough council. The people in Park Ex deserve a lot better than not having their voice heard, said organizer Joshua Singh. The land was purchased by developer BSR Group last year and since then, many of the merchants who were tenants in the building already located there have left. According to a 2013 Centraide study, Park Ex is among the poorest neighbourhoods in Canada but the community advocates said changes are coming. Park Ex is an immigrant district, working class people and we want to keep our people living in Park Ex and not become a new Plateau-Mont-Royal, said Andre Trepanier of the Park Extension Action Committee. ( As reported in the news.

reception house: But for many refugees, one major challenge remains finding a job, according to CTV. Maissaa Almustafa has a unique perspective on the situation. The newcomers have largely assimilated into the community, even as the public and quiet shows of support from the rest of the community that characterized their early days have disappeared. She's a board member with Reception House a lead agency when it comes to integrating refugees into Waterloo Region. Asked how many of the region's recent arrivals from Syria have found stable employment, she says not a lot have. She's also a political science instructor at Wilfrid Laurier University, and was born and raised in Syria herself. ( As reported in the news.

trump: Trump spent Thursday evening making a flurry of calls to friends and outside advisers to judge their reaction to the tempest, said the confidant, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he wasn't authorized to disclose a private conversation, according to CBC. Trump wasn't apologetic about his inflammatory remarks and denied he was racist, instead, blaming the media for distorting his meaning, the confidant said. Trump said he was only expressing what many people think but won't say about immigrants from economically depressed countries, according to a person who spoke to the president as criticism of his comments ricocheted around the globe. However, critics of the president, including some in his own Republican Party, spent Friday blasting the vulgar comments he made behind closed doors. The comments revived charges that the president is racist and roiled immigration talks that were already on tenuous footing. In his meeting with a group of senators, he had questioned why the U.S. would accept more immigrants from Haiti and shithole countries in Africa as he rejected a bipartisan immigration deal, according to one participant and people briefed on the remarkable Oval Office conversation. ( As reported in the news.

s-hole countries: The Washington Post reports Trump asked why are we having all these people from S-hole countries come here, according to CTV. Trump then suggested people from Norway might be more acceptable. Trump's comments were made behind closed doors while discussing immigration from Haiti, El Savador and African nations with lawmakers. Winnipeg Mayor Brian Bowman tweeted about the controversy Friday morning saying New Canadians from Africa, Central America and elsewhere enrich our diversity. Winnipeg is a city that welcomes people from all over the world and it's incumbent upon me as Mayor to continue to voice the promotion of inclusion. He told CTV News he felt he had to say something. ( As reported in the news.